
Chevron Sq

Financial Communications, Investor Relations, Perspectives, Shareholder Activism

The Repeal of Chevron: What’s an IRO to do?

The recent repeal of the Chevron doctrine has been characterized as a landmark decision that could offer corporations a new level of freedom from regulation. In the resulting environment, what are investor relations practitioners to do to manage financial disclosures through uncertainty and rapid cycling of regulatory regimes?

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Financial Communications, Investor Relations, Perspectives, Shareholder Activism

2024 Proxy Season Review

The 2024 proxy season saw another year of elevated activist activity, including a second quarter that ranked among record quarters for new campaigns launched. As both activists and shareholders adapt to the second full season under Universal Proxy Card (UPC) regulations, a tale of two proxy seasons emerged.

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Digital Strategy, H/Advisors Abernathy News, Research

H/Advisors Abernathy 2024 Digital Report Reveals Fortune 100 CEOs and CFOs Increasingly Leverage Social Media to Bolster Corporate Reputation

H/Advisors Abernathy's second edition of the ‘Social in the C-Suite,’ Report underscores how Fortune 100 senior leaders are evolving their use of digital channels to build their reputation, speak on social issues and share business updates with key stakeholders. Our digital team has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Fortune 100 CEOs' and CFOs' social media accounts to better understand their content, channel management and engagement strategies. More than 5,000 posts were analyzed across social channels, with particular focus on content published from January 1 to December 30, 2023 on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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How Loud Is Loud Enough

Perspectives, Public Affairs

How loud is loud enough: calibrating corporate engagement in a volatile election

In a year like no other, companies should expect hard conversations, tough choices and controversy. Given the magnitude of the issues and the reputational risks of miscalculating, planning ahead and calibrating based on the specific needs of the business and its stakeholders is key.

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Investor Day Imperatives

Investor Relations

Beyond the Numbers: Investor Day Imperatives

A well-planned and well-executed investor day can be one of the most impactful ways for a company to articulate its growth strategy and financial targets to the investment community. While not a requirement, most investors now consider it “best practice” to host one investor event at least every other year. Given the significant amount of time, effort and resources required to successfully execute an investor day, every company should think critically about the event’s purpose, desired outcome, and logistics.

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