
2024 Leaks Web Inews Header

Dealmaking, M&A, Perspectives, Research

When Deals Spring a Leak Volume 4 - 2024 M&A Leaks Report

H/Advisors Abernathy’s fourth annual leaks report takes an in-depth look at the latest trends in M&A media reporting in the United States, compiled from the firm’s proprietary deals database.

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Dealmaking, M&A, Research

M&A Leaks Mid-Year 2023 Snapshot

We are providing for the first time a mid-year snapshot of our findings regarding M&A transaction leaks. Amid an uncertain and volatile environment, with widely reported challenges financing deals and bridging gaps in valuation expectations, deals are still being announced in 2023, and they are still leaking, albeit not as much.

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Perspectives, Shareholder Activism

10 Things Not to Do When an Activist Comes Knocking

This visual guide looks at 10 common mistakes companies and boards of directors make when engaging with shareholder activists and offers our perspective on how to orient thinking to get to the right business outcome.

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H/Advisors Abernathy Recognized as a Leading Communications Firm by Chambers and Partners for Litigation and Crisis & Risk Management

H/Advisors Abernathy has once again been honored by Chambers and Partners, the world’s leading independent professional legal research company, for its strategic counsel and communications expertise in Litigation and Crisis & Risk Management support.

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Perspectives, Shareholder Activism

Guidelines to Navigate Universal Proxy Card

H/Advisors Abernathy’s shareholder activism, proxy insights and ESG advisory teams' guide to navigating Universal Proxy Card (UPC) new rules implemented in late 2022.

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